Ball State Game Thread


Now we get conservative>!?

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Huge pick.

We cant run against this guys

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Yeah that was the time to go for the dagger, and we ran on first and second down…both for loss or no gain. At least A eom ran for a few yards on 3rd and long to get Graham in for a very doable FG.

It’s great having Graham but with how Ball has been able to move on offense today that’s not a good time to play conservative. TD/PAT to make it a nine-point game drastically changes things versus a FG to make it five.

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First downs are mini miracles for our offense today. Not good enough.


We’re getting out rushed 181-33.

1 for 7 on 3rd down and 0-1 on 4th.

Cooper too fast for us…

Redsea said it. Need to load up on first down on defense. Make
Them open up offense which will
Force mistakes. And it did. They look just like us.

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Nicholson HAS to get the Groza if he doesn’t miss this year. Awesome!


BSU may not throw ball rest off the half

They may not need to…and then a good stop by Miami. 4th down and they make it

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It did not help that our d line was not even down in a stance when the ball was snapped on that 4th down play. Very lazy.

Chuck not a happy camper on the sidelines.

Man, I can’t get over that 4th down decision by Aveon …,.you see how Cooper blasts for a first down on 4th down…and we don’t even use our running back and have an option read play called

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Look at these stats. We are getting our asses kicked except where it matters, the scoreboard.

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Our two picks have saved us… otherwise, BSU would be completely controlling this game.


No pressure again on that 3rd and 6…but at least we stopped him

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I thought I would be sight seeing but instead I’m waiting for a plumber. I hadn’t paid attention but I thought the game started at 2. Looks like I’ve missed the first 3 quarters…